Bazooka Bubble Gum was 1st introduced back in 1947 by The Topps Company in New York, right after WWII. Its Iconic Red White and Blue Packaging and delicious flavor was an instant hit, not to mention, they sold for just a penny! It wasn't until 1953 that they began to insert the now famous "Bazooka Joe Comic Stips" into the wrappers of each piece. Bazooka changed many times over the years, introducing limited flavor extensions of the brand. When they hired a new CEO back in 2012, they decided to remove Bazooka Joe, in an "attempt to modernize the brand" and move to a pink & black pack design. Well as you can imagine sales of the gum tanked as many consumers stated, "It's just not the same". Finally realizing they destroyed a well known American Icon, and the fond memories of peace time after the war it brought to all who chewed the gum, Topps re introduced the classic Bazooka Joe Comic Strips in their 2019 release of the " Bazooka Throw Back Pack"! In 2022 Topps Company was bought by Fanatics from their interest in the sports trading card division of the company, which created what we now know as The Bazooka Candy Co. So it go's to show, if it's not broke, don't try and fix it ;)